About Us

by Arti

Hey there, I’m Arti Banerjee, the person behind this website. As an Hindi language and AI technology lover, I’ve created this platform to showcase the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence in various fields.

My Story

As a parent myself, I remember my daughter’s curiosity about various subjects like mathematics, languages, and Indian history. She would often ask me questions related to topics ranging from simple arithmetic problems to explanations of English words etc. While trying to find suitable resources for her online, I realized that AI is revolutionalizing everything.

This led me to explore the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications. The more I studied, the more fascinated I became with the potential of AI.

My Mission

The primary aim behind creating this website is to provide well explained AI related content in Hindi language. My mission is to ensure AI knowledge is accessible to all without any language barriers.

What “AI Sikho” Offers

At aisikho, you’ll find a collection of various topics related to AI. The motive is to ensure, the readers learns all about AI

I’m committed to ensuring that all the content uploaded here is not only engaging but also accurate. My dream for this website is simple: